Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I was following the callories but not the healthy choices.

Yesterday was a reminder that following the calories does not mean I am feeling healthy.  I consumed about 100 extra calories yesterday if you don't count my exercise and I felt lethargic and burpy into the evening.  I ate crackers and cheese which meant I wanted more crackers.  I ate almost a box of sweet rice treats and could barely stop.  Dinner was the closest to a heslthy meal because it contained a bit of swiss chard as part of the dish.  But other than that bit of swiss chard and a banana,  I ate no fruit and vegitables and always felt hungry and always felt tired and sluggish.

So yesterday ended and I decided to wake up fresh to adding the health back into my calorie intake today.  And that is what I have done, fresh arugula salad with anchovies and dressing.  Then at lunch another yummy salad with sunflower seeds and pieces of salami....I feel much better satisfied today.

I have consumed about 600 cals of food thus far and have room for another 400 to go.  I AM NOT DRIVEN TO PLACE THE CEACKERS IN MY MOUTH BECAUSE I have placed food of nutritious value and fresh taste into my mouth already....so today is not a struggle.  And all because I really did choose healthy foods to eat today.

So you see getting back on track was a simple choice I can walk with today.
So glad I didn't fill myself with a guilt trip or any such thing.9

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